The Church of the Psychedelic Tuba
Frequency Asked Questions
Q: Is The Church of the Psychedelic Tuba real?
A: Yes. We are on the internet so we must be real.
Q: Do I need to believe in G*d to be part of the church?
A: You need to believe the word exists. Since all thoughts are things if you can think of G*d then your thought has created G*d.
Q: Seriously I am an atheist can I join your church?
A: Why would an atheist want to join a church?
Q: You can't answer a question with a question.
A: Sorry I can't answer your question because is a statement.
Q: Do I need to own a tuba to attend your services?
A: No. One not need to possess a tuba to experience the peace profound. There are communal tubas available for sharing. On Really High Holidaze we suggest you try to bring your own horn to toot.
Q: Does the church have sacrements?
A: We are strictly BYOS (Bring Your Own Sacrements) however we do encourage sharing.
Q: I am Hindu/Muslim/Jewish/Christian/Buddhist/Pagen/Rastafarian may I attend your services?
A: Yes please. BYOG (Bring your own G*d) The tuba church amplifies whatever prayers or thoughts you intone. Whatever the G*d of your heart is amplify it. We only ask that you keep your other religions to yourself while in the presence of the sacred holy tuba.
Q: Why do you spell G*d as G*d?
A: To appear spiritually superior.